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​What is StrengthsQuest?

StrengthsQuest identifies an individual's strengths, based on a thematic analysis of their answers to a series of questions. Research has found that an understanding of one's own strengths and behaviors assists in an effective personal and professional life. Having an understanding of how my identified strengths below can be leveraged to create success within my professional practice.


My observant nature allows me to identify the unique qualities of each person, patient, and family. My strength of instinctively noticing an individual's preferences in receiving praise, motivational factors , and relationship building techniques for each child and family I encounter within the hospital.


When I run into a problem I search for a solution by identifying the problem and it's underlying factors. After identifying these factors, seeking out appropriate child life interventions to return to homeostasis is easier. The conclusion of assisting someone else in continuing to find solutions is energizing and easily utilized within my child life practice.


I can gain an understanding of the emotions and decisions of those made around me. Agreeing is not needed to assist an individual, only an understanding of their perspective. As an aspiring child life specialist being able to understand where an individual is coming from gives me insight into how to meet a patient or family's needs.


My responsibility makes me a dependable internship candidate. If I say I am going to complete an assignment or task, you can expect that I will manage my time effectively to create a quality result. I am conscientious of the quantity of tasks I can take on and am not afraid to ask for necessary help in order to meet a deadline.


This highlights my ability to have multiple solutions arranged while remaining flexible to the solution that is preferred.  For example, in practicum I arranged developmentally appropriate activities that could be easily adaptable to a child's interests, so the child made the final decision of how the therapeutic activity would look. My ability to make a specific plan does not disrupt my ability to adapt.

learn more about me through

My StengthsQuest

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